Apr 21, 2023

Good brakes will help you to drive safely through even the worst conditions, while bad brakes can lead to an accident. The braking system is a mechanical one, and parts can wear out or fail over time. As your Toyota dealer, we’d like you to know some warning signs you need to visit us for a brake repair.

Burning Chemical Smell

Your braking system depends on brake fluid to provide the hydraulic power that allows the brakes to work. When you hit the brake pedal, pressurized brake fluid is forced into the brake lines and hoses. The fluid forces the pins out of the calipers positioned above the wheel rotors. When the pins are removed, the calipers grab both sides of each rotor, which forces your wheels to stop.

If you’re riding your brakes, for example, when you’re driving down a long winding road, the brake fluid remains in the brake hoses. The pressurized fluid can heat up, and if it overheats, you’ll smell a sharp chemical smell. If your brakes are overheating, It’s important to pull over ASAP. Overheating brake fluid won’t generate hydraulic power, and your brakes won’t work. We’ll examine your braking system and replace the fluid if necessary.

Vibrating Brake Pedal

If you feel vibrations when you hit the brakes, this is a sign of a damaged rotor. Rotors heat up as you drive and rapidly cool when your car is stationary. This heating and cooling cycle can lead to the rotor warping slightly.

A warped rotor creates a problem when you brake, as the calipers need a smooth surface to grip. When calipers grab an uneven rotor surface, this action generates the vibrations you’ll feel through the pedal. if a warped rotor isn’t repaired, the vibrations will become more frequent. We’ll examine your rotors and either resurface them or fit replacements if they’re too damaged to repair.

Brake Light Illuminates

You have two brake lights. One light is connected to the ABS, and the other connects to the handbrake and the braking system. If the ABS light illuminates, this means that the ABS is malfunctioning and needs to be examined. The ABS prevents your wheels from locking if you enter a skid. You can drive if the ABS light is showing, but it should be repaired ASAP.

The brake light can light up in response to a failure in the handbrake or any other fault detected by sensors connected to the braking system. Our technicians will examine the braking system and repair the problem once we’ve identified its cause.

Driving with worn or damaged brakes is dangerous and can result in an accident. Call us today at Lake Toyota.